If you are in forest seed or plant production, regeneration methods or tree breeding, this is a good chance for funding. SNS and NordGen Forest opens for applications for our joint scholarship December 15 (2024)–February 15 (2025).
WHY: As the Nordic countries are very similar in climate, forest constitution and policy, there is a lot to gain through knowledge sharing and cooperation in research. Therefore, SNS and NordGen Forest offer this opportunity to make scientifically based knowledge reach over the Nordic nation borders. We believe in synergies and that we are stronger together!
FOR WHOM: Employees and students in forest seed or plant production, regeneration methods or tree breeding, are welcome to apply. The project or activity must be relevant in a Nordic setting and contribute to a common Nordic benefit. We emphasize gender equality and inclusion, and that will be noticed in our selection of beneficiaries.
FOR WHAT: Maybe you are working hard with your master thesis and need to cover some expenses in connection to that. Or there is a conference that would really be relevant for your work. A study visit in another Nordic country could benefit your situation, or you want to make your knowledge easily available all around the Nordic countries. The grant can be used for travelling costs, accomodation, conference fees, printing your thesis, equipment, laboratory expenses or something else that contributes to the Nordic forest sector in one way or the other. Scroll down to see previous beneficiaries!
HOW MUCH: You can apply for maximum 25 000 NOK.
Previous beneficiaries:
Liam Adams O’Malley used his funding for afforestation in Iceland
Kinga works for healthier seeds
Detailed information about the call (Word)
More information about the SNS and NordGen Forest scholarship