
Inventory data to analyse spatio-temporal drivers of Nordic forests

Coordinator: Hanne Sjølie, hanne.sjulie(a)inn.no, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


Background and aims:

Photo from Birkebeiner Skistadion at Lillehammer, directed towards Abbortjernet.

Nordic countries stand out with their 100-years of high resolution national forest inventory (NFI) data, pivotal for monitoring of forest resources and derived ecosystem services. The data includes a broad set of drivers that trigger the spatial diversity seen in the forest resource base. We suggest that novel uses of inventory data would give additional value-added to the inventory data. As such, the project aims to combine inventory data with socio-economic data in order to gain a better understanding of the changes and drivers in forest resources and related ecological qualities in Nordic forests. A second aim is to build research capacity among young male and female researchers, considering gender issues, in this field.

Through the joint work, we will analyze possibilities for harmonization and related gaps of such data across countries, write research proposals and train young researchers in the field by. We will enhance gender equality by considering and dampening gender-specific barriers to participation and networking.
Activities and outputs include:
  • three workshops on spatio-temporal analyses
  • active mentoring of young researchers
  • research proposals
  • presentation of findings at scientific conferences
  • popular science pieces
  • engagement with stakeholders