Genetics and management for stress tolerant trees for the future climate (TolerantTree)

Coordinator: Malin Elfstrand, SLU, malin.elfstrand(at)
Funding: 3 000 000 SEK
Duration: 2022–2026


TolerantTree website

The overall objective of TolerantTree, is to support development and implementation of good practices for use and management of forest genetic resources. The emphasis will be on adaption and tolerance to climate change and management of pests and diseases.

The effect of the ongoing climate change on the trees and on major forest pathogens and pests is likely to harm the productivity and carbon absorption potential in the Nordic forests in the future. Thus, efforts need to be made to reduce the projected risks and improve the resilience in our forests. Therefore, we need more information, knowledge sharing and discussion on the best course of action regarding:

• genetic plasticity e.g. in changing environment (warming, extreme weather conditions)
• balancing genetic gains versus genetic diversity
• interactions between trees and spreading/ enforced pests and pathogens
• deployment of suitable genetic material for specific sites
• methods for early testing of desirable traits (growth, wood properties, resistance/tolerance to biotic and a biotic stressors)
• cost efficient mass propagation methods (vegetative propagation)