
Private forest owners in Nordic socities: Diverse objectives, common values, shared expectations

Coordinator: Francisco Aguilar, SLU, francisco.aguilar(a)


Photo: Francisco X Aguilar Cabezas

This project emerged from ongoing research in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA directed at

(a) improving the understanding of forest owners’ values, objectives, and behaviours
(b) prioritizing societal expected values and perceived trade-offs for market and non-market forest ecosystem services
(c) exploring policy tools, value chains, products, and services that can promote forest management that supports more resilient Nordic forests
We hypothesize that differences in perceptions and prioritization regarding values of market and non-market forest ecosystem services exist between family forest owners and the public at large. Yet, the same groups share common concerns regarding how future forest disturbances may impacts their wellbeing. This mutual common concern may offer opportunities to advance socially-acceptable forest management policies that emphasize shared values and expectations.