Challenges in a future, changed climate
In order to be better equipped for the coming extreme weather, it is important to develop the exchange of experience and cooperation between the Nordic countries further. The Nordic ministers responsible for forest issues therefore set up a working group during autumn 2018. The results of the group’s work are presented in this report.
The purpose of the assignment was to create a more resilient Nordic forestry in times of extreme weather, with special focus on forest fires. To get there, the working group has mapped the extent of the fires in 2018 and investigated the challenges forestry, but also emergency and rescue services, are facing a future with more extreme weather conditions.
The working group also proposes several concrete proposals for action.
Information brochure
– The Nordic network for forest fire
English: Taskforce forest fire (PDF)
Swedish: Det nordiska skogsbruket -utmaningar i en framtid präglad av extremväder
Policy briefs
English: Policy brief – Nordic forestry in a future of extreme weather (PDF)
Swedish: Policy brief – Nordiskt skogsbruk i en framtid präglad av extremväder (PDF)