More research is needed on wild berries

Wild berries have been ignored as an area of interest in the Nordic forest research. That needs to change, because they are key elements in the ecosystems they are a part of.


Researchers and other stakeholders from the industry have gathered in a Nordic network to collaborate on wild berries in recent years.

– The wild berries have cultural and economic significance, but above all, they are key elements for biodiversity of boreal forests, so it’s strange that there is so little research done on, for example, the effects of climate change, says Rainer Peltola, the SNS network’s coordinator and researcher at the Finnish research institute LUKE.

Climate change is one area that the researchers have identified as particularly important to investigate in the future, and an area they want to put some pressure on getting researched. While there has been a great deal of research on forests, and forest management, and climate change, wild berries have been largely overlooked.

– It’s likely because timber has such economic importance, but the wild berries also play a crucial role in the ecosystem.

Commercial berry picking has also been discussed among the Swedish and Finnish participants, with a focus on social, cultural, and ecological sustainability.

– Is it right to fly people in from far away to pick berries?

The network has also made contact with the industry, which for example has shared insights on how to market Nordic berries in consumer-ready products. Creating connections between research and practice is a valuable part of the networking.

– It has been extremely interesting and absolutely worth the time invested! We’ve seen that there are many similarities between the countries, but also some differences. We are now discussing harmonising methods so that results and data from the different countries can be compared, says Rainer Peltola.

– We are also considering identifying further clear, common projects and will apply for funding for them. But right now, the focus is mainly on the conference that the network is organising in October 2025.

In December, the network will hold its concluding webinar, which will be open to researchers, stakeholders, and anyone interested. Early next year, a report with perspectives from the various countries will be published. The parts that are of interest to a wider audience beyond just researchers will be published through other channels, such as a podcast. Keep an eye on SNS in social media!

Nordic Wild Berry R&D Network

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