
Promoting sustainable forestry in a growing bioeconomy for Europe (PROFOR)


Coordinator: Matleena Kniivilä, and Mika Mustonen,

Financing: 179 163 SEK

Download information pamphlet (PDF)

Policy brief (PDF)

Final report


In December 2019, the European Commission launched The European Green Deal, a new growth strategy and roadmap that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a greener competitive economy, with no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. EU forest-based bio-economy provides solutions in reaching the Green Deal climate, biodiversity, economic and social objectives.

Forest and forestry constitute an important part of the economy, in particular the bio-based economy in most of the Baltic and Nordic countries, not least in rural, usually forested areas. This often in contrast to the situation in other regions of Europe.

The similarities concerning forest production in Baltic-Nordic countries justify the forming a network to emphasize the importance of forestry in the region and address issues that are needed regarding research and innovation in an EU context.

Speaking with several voices in one message, i.e., sending the same message from several countries and stakeholders is important to make more impact on sectorial European Green Deal strategies and policies, as well as research funding which will be reflecting the content of these policies.

Mika Mustonen, network coordinator, about Nordic cooperation:

Overall long-term goal of the network:

• To advance the sustainable use of forests in Europe by promoting the knowledge-based Nordic-Baltic methods for a sustainable forest management, including enhancement of forest resilience and practical implementation of climate-smart forestry, and use of forest resources in a growing bio-economy with focus on all aspects of sustainability. 

• To increase the interaction between science and policy, and bring together research, industry, politics and stakeholders from these sectors in the participating countries.

• To advocate for increased European funding for research and innovation in the area of sustainable forestry, and to promote participation from network partners in EU-funded projects.


Goals for 2021:

• To consolidate the work of the established Nordic-Baltic network for cooperation to influence European forest research policies and funding, and to build up connections with existing interest representation channels and stakeholders in Brussels, e.g. Forest Technology Platform.

• To raise awareness of Nordic-Baltic forests and forestry in the EU. 

• To increase Nordic-Baltic synergies to have an influence on the European Green Deal strategies and Horizon Europe research funding, by developing common Nordic-Baltic visions, positions and objectives for advocacy work.

• To increase Nordic-Baltic involvement in relevant European networks, platforms and thematic groups, and paving the road for participation in project consortia and applications in the future

• To disseminate the research results and achievements from the traditional forest science cooperation of Baltic-Nordic region-


Activities 2021:

• We will organize one workshop/virtual meeting to write a position paper and change knowledge on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) contributing to European Green Deal (The Story of Forestry in the North) . 

The position will cover topics on sustainable and intensive forest management, how to reach higher yields in growing demand for roundwood for circular bio-economy, how to enhance biodiversity in multiple use forests (outside protected areas), forest and carbon and enhancing resilience of forests in a changing climate. 

• We will organize a final seminar in Brussels where we present the outcome to the target groups: EU institutions, Permanent Representations, European regional offices and relevant key stakeholders.  Overarching theme of the seminar will be SFM, bioeconomy and Green Deal. 

• We will organize targeted visits to relevant Commission DGs and other decision makers to discuss how forest and forestry can provide solutions to the European Green Deal program. The topics will be focused especially on issues under the Green Deal which are under preparation in Brussels and subject for advocacy, such as New EU Forest Strategy.

The format and timing of the activities will be adapted to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.