Ongoing research from CARe-FOR-US I sorted by keywords Nature & health, Organisation & ownership, Selection, Public involvement, Urban forest assessment, Social & cultural values, Recreation & use, Ecology & biodiversity, and Urban (forest) planning:
Nature & health
Organisation & ownership
- Importance of contracting out decisions
- Park management and urban biodiversity – on cultures of knowledge and dissemination of knowledge in Swedish park administrations
- Partnerships in park management
- Study of current Nordic park management
- Dendrological research of the nordic part of Kopli peninsula in Tallinn
- Follow up on urban trees
- Improvement of Danish trees and shrubs for amenity use
- Plants and planting design for urban dynamic systems and structures of vegetation: a pilot project on the basis of North-Chinese flora
- Survey of landscape plants in Southern Norway
- Urban Tree Arboretum
Public involvement
- EU/LIFE Urban Woods for People: Demonstration of ways to increase the recreational benefits of urban woodlands
- Green Area Programme
- Green area uses and valuations of young people in Finland – case study in Eastern Helsinki suburbs
- Lahti FOREST
- NeighbourWoods (…)socially-inclusive planning, design and management of urban woodlands
- Public involvement as a challenge to urban forest planning in Helsinki
- Urban woodland for children
Urban forest assessment
- Classification of urban forests
- Green structure in Arealis
- Important biological areas of the Oslo fjord region
- Nature type characterisation within the built-up area of Oslo
- Survey of landscape plants in Southern Norway
- Tforest and NetForest City Information Systems
- The 3Q Programme (The Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Agricultural Landscapes)
- Thematic Outlook Study, Urban and Peri-Urban Forestry and Greening in West and Central Asia: Experiences, constraints and prospects
Social & cultural values
- Biodiversity policy of Finnish historical parks – Pilot project case Helsinki
- Green area uses and valuations of young people in Finland – case study in Eastern Helsinki suburbs
- Green corridor for walking and cycling in Bergen
- Linking ecological and social systems in urban planning (ECOLINK)
- Mapping social values and meanings of green areas in Helsinki, Finland, a case study
- NeighbourWoods (…)socially-inclusive planning, design and management of urban woodlands
- Parks of Copenhagen – visitation and attitudes
- Rural landscape perceptions in Norway and in Scotland
- Social qualities of urban greenspace
- Urban forestry in Norway: Managing forest structures of importance for visual perception and biodiversity
Recreation & use
- Compilation of the protection plan for the Nõmme-Mustamäe preserve
- Conservation values along rivers Alna and Ljanselva in Oslo
- Elaboration of the models for continuous cover forestry
- EU/LIFE Urban Woods for People: Demonstration of ways to increase the recreational benefits of urban woodlands
- Green corridor for walking and cycling in Bergen
- Land use planning and management for outdoor recreation in the urban fringe
- Outdoor recreation in agricultural and forestry areas in urban fringe zones
- Parks of Copenhagen – visitation and attitudes
- Rural landscape perceptions in Norway and in Scotland
- Social qualities of urban greenspace
- Urban forestry in Norway: Managing forest structures of importance for visual perception and biodiversity
Ecology & biodiversity
- Biodiversity policy of Finnish historical parks – Pilot project case Helsinki
- Biological investigations at Svartskog
- Compilation of the protection plan for the Nõmme-Mustamäe preserve
- Conservation values along rivers Alna and Ljanselva in Oslo
- Enhancing urban biodiversity in urban planning
- Entomological inventory of urban forests of Helsinki after draught periods
- Flora of the Ekeberg hillside, Oslo
- Important biological areas of the Oslo fjord region
- Linking ecological and social systems in urban planning (ECOLINK)
- Management classification for urban forests
- Nature type characterisation within the built-up area of Oslo
- Nature values at Bygdøy
- Northern relief road – Trondheim; Subproject: Reopening the Ila stream.
- Park management and urban biodiversity – on cultures of knowledge and dissemination of knowledge in Swedish park administrations
- Preservation of original natural vegetation in urban areas
- Urban biodiversity model (in multipal scales) for urban planning
Urban (forest) planning
- Biological investigations at Svartskog
- Communicating Urban Growth and Green (GREENSCOM) – Finnish part
- COST Action C11 – Greenstructure and Urban Planning
- Enhancing urban biodiversity in urban planning
- Forest plan for the City of Turku 2001-2010
- Forest planning project
- Green Area Program for the City of Turku
- Green Area Programme
- Lahti FOREST
- Land use planning and management for outdoor recreation in the urban fringe
- Linking ecological and social systems in urban planning (ECOLINK)
- NeighbourWoods (…)socially-inclusive planning, design and management of urban woodlands
- Pilotstudy Vättlefjäll
- Planning and management system for the St Petersburg Forest Greenbelt
- Preservation of original natural vegetation in urban areas
- Public involvement as a challenge to urban forest planning in Helsinki
- Social qualities of urban greenspace
- Status of urban greening in China in a context of rapid urban development…
- Urban biodiversity model (in multipal scales) for urban planning
- Urban forestry planning and management software Saarni 1.0