The Centre of Advanced Research on Forestry Serving Nordic Urban Societies (CARe-FOR-US) will:
- Enhance networking and knowledge exchange on forestry serving urbanised societies amongst leading researchers within the Nordic-Baltic region, with special emphasis on the involvement of PhD-students and other early-carreer researchers.
- Compile and disseminate up-to-date information on the state of art of research within the CAR’s field, with particular emphasis on aspects og governance, nature and health relations, recreation and tourism, and qualitative woodland management.
- Facilitate efforts to undertake innovative research on forestry serving urbanised societies. Research that promotes close collaboration with policy and practice will be prioritised.
- Enhance the contributions and recognition of Nordic and Baltic researchers and research capacities on the European and global scale.
- Promote the dissemination of lessons learnt and methods developed for urban forestry to Nordic and Baltic forestry at large.