Research in CARe-FOR-US I

In the start-up phase of CARe-FOR-US, five initial R&D topics/priorities have been identified. “Urban forests” refers here to the tree-dominated green spaces in and around cities and towns.

Moreover, several of the themes will deal with issues of urbanising forests and forestry on a broader scale, for example with regards how urban society affects rural landscapes and countryside issues, and with forest landscapes as living, multifunctional and recreational landscapes in focus. The CAR will integrate natural science with social science and humanistic approaches.

Research Groups

During the first years of the existence of CARe-FOR-US, the following priority research areas were identified: urban forests and human health, and innovative approaches to woodland management.

Ongoing Research

An overview, and short descriptions, of all research projects within urban forestry recently completed and currently ongoing in the Nordic and Baltic countries can be found here.