Projects and spin-offs

The CAR-ES network is continuously applying for funding for new research projects and new network meetings and activities that connect the work of CAR-ES to work conducted in a broader geographical scale or together with other sectors. Finally, CAR-ES also initiates research activities based on own funding.


Water management in Baltic Forests (WAMBAF), 2016-2019, EU Interreg. Coordinator: Linnéa Jägrud, Skogsstyrelsen (

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from organic forest soils: improved inventories and implications for sustainable management (SNS-120), 2016-2018, SNS. Coordinator: Raija Laiho, Luke ()

Ecological effects of intensive biomass harvesting in the Nordic and Baltic countries (SNS-WTH), 2013-2014, SNS. Coordinator: Nicholas Clarke, NIBIO ()

N and P leaching from forests in the Nordic region (CNP), 2011-2013, SNS. Coordinator: Lars Högbom, Skogfors ().


The Northern European Network Connecting Forests, Forestry and Water Issues. SNS-EFINORD, 2016-2017. Coordinator: Lars Högbom, Skogforsk ().

Effects of bioenergy production from forests and agriculture on ecosystem services in Nordic and Baltic landscapes. NKJ-SNS, 2016-2017. Coordinator: Nicholas Clarke, NIBIO ()

Forest soil carbon sinks (FSC SINKS), 2010-2014,
Nordforsk. Coordinator: Per Gundersen, University of Copenhagen ()

Research activities

Review of biodiversity and water regulations and guidelines in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Contact person: Eva Ring, Skogforsk ()

Review of biomass harvesting and wood ash application guidelines; sustainability of bioenergy. Contact person: Inge Stupak, University of Copenhagen ()